The Darling Revolution: A Year of Evolution
Nu Movement
716 University Ave.
Jan 5, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

A solo exhibition by artist Molly O’Riley

Molly O’Riley, the founder of The Darling Revolution, has transformed her artistic journey into a pilgrimage through the soul’s uncharted territories. Her latest exhibition, ‘The Darling Revolution: A Year of Evolution’, represents a year-long odyssey where each piece marks a pivotal moment of change and introspection, celebrating continuous evolution on both an individual and collective level amidst life’s complexities.

In this exhibition, Molly delves into the depths of our minds and hearts, uncovering the hidden narratives that shape our existence. Each artwork in ‘The Darling Revolution: A Year of Evolution’ is a testament to the resilience, growth, and transformation she has witnessed and experienced over the past year.

Her creative process is a fusion of inspiration drawn from personal stories and significant historical events. This approach weaves a narrative tapestry that intertwines the personal with the universal, the past with the present, capturing the multifaceted essence of human experience. The exhibition showcases a vibrant mix of media, characterized by vivid colors, intricate details, and evocative imagery, each creation a labor of love and passion that invites viewers to engage both emotionally and intellectually.

‘The Darling Revolution: A Year of Evolution’ extends beyond a visual journey. It is an invitation for introspection and self-discovery. Molly encourages visitors to engage with the art, find reflections of their own stories within hers, and join in celebrating the ongoing internal revolution that each of us experiences.