Opening Reception of Shugabanni by W. Michelle Harris
Rochester Contemporary Art Center
137 East Ave.
Mar 3, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Join RoCo for the opening of a solo exhibition by W. Michelle Harris, Shugabanni. This installation features a mosaic video portrait of just a few of the Black women of Rochester who shape this place into a community. The mosaic tiles are portraits of Black women: Anna Murray Douglass plus her daughters and a granddaughter; nurses, teachers, writers; Elizabeth Freeman, Frances Watkins Harper, Mary Mahoney, Mary Peake, and Harriet Tubman; and the women and girls who sat for portraits for the W.E.B. DuBois “American Negro” exhibit at the 1900 World’s Fair.
This exhibition is presented in conjunction with As I Recall Her: Artists Expand the Legacy of the Douglass Women.