Becoming: A Celebration
The Hungerford
1115 E Main St.
Oct 4, 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Susan Carmen-Duffy of Create Art 4 Good celebrates seven years at the Hungerford! Celebrating and honoring life with a practice of daily gratitude has become a way of life for Susan. Add in the opportunity to fully live and steep joyfully in her art, Susan brings her whimsical creations to this annual exhibit. Join her and celebrate seven years as an established gallery at the Hungerford building! Enter through Door #5. This exhibit continues through October. Other Hungerford galleries and studios are open for First Friday too, including special events like Haunted Hungerford! So much fun to be had! There is always free parking. Overflow available at Visions Credit Union across East Main Street as well as Greenovations. Do not park in front of Happy Feet.