The Magic of Light 2024
Image City Photography Gallery
722 University Ave.
Jan 5, 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Our 17th Annual Juried Show features 85 photographers exhibiting over 110 framed images. Gallery Partners will also be exhibiting their work in the Neuberger Gallery.

Each photographer submitted digital images which were then reviewed by our jurors and the best selected for the exhibit. Three awards, $150 cash from Image City Photography Gallery, a $150 gift certificate from Lumiere Photo and Frame, and a $150 gift certificate from Archival Methods will be presented.

The Magic of Light 2024 Photographers

● Jason Abel ● Jane Adams ● Ronald Andrews ● Clay Arnold ● Gaylon Arnold ● Mark Avery ● Skip R. Beaver ● Dick Beery ● Kimberly Benedetto ● Dana Besaw ● Peter Blackwood ● David Bleich ● Richard Burgin ● Melissa Butler ● Christine Chito ● Bob Clemens ● Clyde Comstock ● Chris Cummings ● Archie Curry ● Don DeLong ● Steven Dent ● Diane W. Dersch ● Elena Dilai ● David Drexler ● Shawn Duckworth ● Amanda Dwyer ● John A. Ejaife ● Judy Emerson ● Mike English ● John Fleckenstein ● Sandra Frankel ● Bonnie Gamache ● Danielle Gamache ● Carlos Gonzalez ● Allen Greene ● Nan Guzauski ● Kim Haines-Eitzen ● Karl Hamann ● Mike Haugh ● Rich Healey ● Jane Hopkins ● Joe Jech ● Nicholas Jospe ● Mike Kalnitz ● Jerome Kaye ● Susan Kaye ● Dan Klein ● DD Klein ● Elisa Knataitis ● David Kotok ● Tom Kredo ● Joel Krenis ● Joann K. Long ● Ryan Lorenz ● Ken Mason ● Margy Meath ● Regina Muscarella ● Sheila Nelson ● Dave Northrup ● Sandi Osterwise ● Patricia Overmoyer ● Maggie Padilla ● Amy Palermo ● Romans Pancs ● Francis R. Pellegrino ● Robert Pierce ● Martha Price ● Michael F. Putorti ● Beth Quattrociocchi ● Steven Randell ● David Ridley ● Brandie Shaw ● Hank Shaw ● Andy Smith ● Lynette Stockie ● Robert Then ● Loni Titus ● Michael Tomb & Marcia Zach ● Steven Tryon ● Jen Turney ● John VanGriethuysen ● Charles Walker ● Rick Waugh ● Robert Welch

There is no admission fee, and the Gallery is accessible to everyone. This exhibition continues through January 21. Learn more here.

Image: Cairngorm Forest Light by Nicholas Jospe