Image City Photography Gallery
722 University Ave.
Mar 3, 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Our new theme show features 80 photographers each exhibiting one photo they chose that contains an element of the color “RED.”

Participating artists: Dennis Adams, Jane Adams, Dominique Alexandria, Ronald Andrews, Clay Arnold, Denise Batiste, Peter Bilous, Marcia Birken, David Bleich, Mac Boldt, Duane Caton, Christopher Cilento, Lisa Cook, Len Crellin, Robert E. Crumrine, Chris Cummings, Janine Cummings, Archie Curry, Honey DeLapa, Steve Dent, John A Ejaife, Cindy El-Gaaly, Bruce Elling, Sandra L Frankel, Bonnie Gamache, Rick Garvia, Mauricio Gomez, Nan Guzauski, Thomas E Harvey, Debbie Haskins, Mike Haugh, Katirina Herbs, Jolana Hollister, Jane Hopkins, Jeno Horvath, Tatiana Hulse, Nicholas Jospe, Jerome Kaye, Susan Kaye, Cynthia Kindle, Tom Kredo, Donna LaPlante, David Low, Ken Mason, Reaghan McCann, Colin McCready, Warren McInnis, Jim McLaughlin, Erin Moriarty, Sheila Nelson, Andrew Newman, Kelly Nield, Sandi Osterwise, Lisa Pancho, Martha Price, Beth Quattrociocchi, John Retallack, Nancy Rice, Brian Ricotta, Ferdinando Rispoli, Elaine Ross, Mark Ross, Susan Rudy, Ann Rumrill, Brandie Shaw, Michael Shoemaker, Patty Singer, Andy Smith, Susan Spinelli, Elizabeth Spring, d dargan teska, Robert Then, Loni Titus, Steven Tryon, Ann VandenBerg, Henry Wagner, Myles Weider, Robert Welch, Abby Westerman, Grace Westerman

Scott Matyjaszek is exhibiting in the Neuberger Gallery. Additional Photographers include Visiting Artist Elisa Knataitis, Guest Photographers John Guzman, David Mezzoprete, Beth Quattrociocchi, and Deb Schmidt, as well as Select Member Images by Camera Rochester Photographers Jason Abel, Elena Dilai, John Ejaife, and Stephen Kalbach.

Gallery Partners Dick Bennett, Marie Costanza, Steve Levinson, Gil Maker, Don Menges, Luann Pero, Betsy Phillips, John Solberg and Sheridan Vincent will also exhibit their work.

There is no admission fee, and the Gallery is accessible to everyone. Learn more here.

Image: Redroom by Nan Guzauski