Upon Close Inspection: Mixed Media Paintings by Karen Frutiger
Studio 402
Anderson Arts Building, 250 N Goodman St., #402
Sep 4, All Day

Studio 402 presents Upon Close Inspection, an exhibition of mixed media paintings by Karen Frutiger. Rochester artist Karen Frutiger experiments with collage, ephemera, fabric and other materials to create her mixed media paintings. The artist enjoys combining disparate elements in her work. She invites the viewer to lean in, to search, and to discover surprises. Karen teaches classes at the Mill Gallery and Art Center. This exhibition will open virtually on First Friday with a video tour. Karen will talk about her process and the ideas behind her mixed-media collage paintings on exhibit. Check Studio 402 on Facebook for the YouTube link on September 4. Contact Karen to make a personal appointment to view the exhibit at karenwfrutiger@gmail.com, or message Studio 402 on Facebook. This exhibition continues through October 16.