Sight & Sound: Art by Musicians – Music by Artists
Studio 402
Anderson Arts Building, 250 N Goodman St., #402
Feb 7, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Studio 402 is host to the fourth art exhibit of Sight & Sound: Art by Musicians – Music by Artists. The first two exhibits in 2012 and 2013 featured the artwork of musicians Jed Curran, Paul Dodd, Peter Monacelli, Steve Piper, and Scott Regan at I Square Visions Gallery, curated by Zanne Brunner. In 2016, the exhibit moved to the Gallery at the Little Cafe, a place where many of the musicians/artists perform on a regular basis. The list of musicians has expanded this year to include: Rita Coulter, Connie Deming, Paul Dodd, Peggi Fournier, Jon Gary, Sarah Hendershot, Charles Jaffe, Peter Monicelli, Dave Paprocki, Steve Piper, Scott Regan, Richard Storms, and Robin Whiteman. Artworks on view are as varied as the musicians themselves. Works include photography, painting, drawing, illustration, sculpture, as well as a digital projection. This exhibition continues through February 29.